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June Update - New Faculty, Uniforms & Transportation

Writer's picture: St. Columban SchoolSt. Columban School

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It is hard to believe it is almost the end of June! I hope you are enjoying your summer with family and friends. Work continues at school closing this past year and preparing for the new year. Seeing so many of our students at Vacation Bible School last week with Mrs. Kerley, alumni, and volunteers was so much fun. The enthusiastic and contagious energy was back in the quiet building!

New Faculty

I am pleased to announce we have hired our new PreK and 5th-grade teachers! Miss Caleigh Sambrookes will join us this year in PreK to work with our littlest students. She previously taught kindergarten at Corryville Catholic Elementary and looks forward to meeting her students and sharing her enthusiasm for PreK learning. Mrs. Lisa Storm will join the 5th and 6th-grade team as the 5th-grade Science and Language Arts teacher. She comes to us with 28 years of teaching experience, including time at Guardian Angels and IHM, and is looking forward to meeting our middle-grade students. Please watch for an introduction letter from each teacher later this summer. Welcome Miss Sambrookes and Mrs. Storm to our St. Columban Community! We are so happy you are joining us!

Miscellaneous Updates

Little Miami has contacted us to ensure our parents in that district sign their children up for bussing if needed. Please see the attached flyer. Registration needs to be received by August 1, 2023.

The PTO School Supply Box order link is below and is available until July 1. Please see the note at the end of this email. Thank you to PTO for all they do for our students and families!

Please check your email for questions and updates from Mrs. Yeoman and Mrs. Cook this summer. The office is working through paperwork, files, and other items that may need your attention. The summer office hours began today and are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00 - 12:00. The office will be closed next week for yearly cleaning starting Monday, July 3, and will reopen on Tuesday, July 11, at 8:00 a.m. We will have limited email contact during our closure. If you have a question that needs to be answered before we return, do not hesitate to contact me at, and I will connect you with the right person to answer your questions.

We are currently completing the update of the Student/Parent Handbook. The uniform policy has not changed from last year, and all students are expected to be in uniform beginning the first day of school. It will be necessary to thoroughly read the uniform policy (and the entire handbook) once the handbook is posted, as we have made some detailed changes; however, the basic uniform remains the same. I have attached pictures of the school uniform pants from Shaheen's website that are acceptable uniform pants. This was an area we had issues in last year. Please ensure your student has the proper uniform pants/shorts and that they and the uniform skirts/jumpers are the correct lengths (no more than 3 inches above the knee.) Thank you for supporting our uniform policy.

The updated basic school calendar is attached for your convenience. We are updating the school website, and there have been some issues with the calendar on the site.

Further school updates will be sent near the end of July. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Yeoman, or myself. We are happy to help you!

We look forward to seeing you on August 21st for the Back to School Kick-Off and Barbecue Blast! Enjoy the summer! May God's peace be with you always.


Mrs. Muchmore

PTO School Supply Update

Subject: LAST CALL!!! Order School Supply Kits by July 1st

Save time and money this summer by ordering your children's school supply kits. The deadline to order is July 1st. Ordering guarantees you the exact supplies your child needs for the start of the school year with only the brands you trust and respect like Ticonderoga, Crayola, Elmer's, and Clorox. Kits will be delivered directly to the school and will be available for pick-up at the Back To School BBQ Blast, when you can take them directly to your children's classrooms. Don't miss out! CLICK HERE TO ORDER

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