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Time, Talent, & Treasure

As baptized members of the church, we are all called to become actively involved in the word and work of Jesus Christ. During the baptismal ceremony parents accept this responsibility on behalf of their children and renew their own promise. The active involvement of all members is central to our celebration of the Sunday Eucharist. Our promise is most often lived out in the parish community by sharing our time, talents, and treasures.

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Volunteer Your Time

There are many ways to volunteer at St. Columban. Recess, lunch, in the classroom, events, hospitality, field trips, or administrative help is all a valuable and much-appreciated use of time. 

Share Your Talents

Help our school grow with your unique talents. From marketing, photography, coaching, leadership, accounting we would appreciate your support. 

Donate Your Treasure

Your generous donations help our school improve each student's experience.  

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