St. Columban School has 487 students enrolled in grades Pre-K through 8th grade as of August 2024.
St. Columban student council provides leadership opportunities for students in grades 6 through 8, as 6th and 7th-grade representatives or in 8th grade as part of the Executive Board. These students work year round with faculty, staff and parent volunteers to represent St. Columban at school and community events. They assume leadership of many students involved activities including the Cancer Awareness fundraiser, Veteran’s Day celebration, Thanksgiving food drive, Christmas Collection for the 6h through 8th grades in partnership with the parish and the Uganda Mission fundraiser during the Lenten Season.

Education is not limited to the classroom experience; it is derived from all opportunities that contribute in any way toward personal and social growth. Therefore, St. Columban School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities. With every privilege, though, there is a corresponding responsibility. Students must maintain academic and conduct standards in order to be eligible for participation in extracurricular activities. The eligibility requirements are outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook.
After-School Programs
A variety of enrichment classes are offered after school for students of all grade levels. Programs are based upon the requests and interest of students. Fees are assessed for these programs.
Beginning band is offered to fourth graders and Advanced band is offered to students in grades five through eight. The Archdiocesan honor band is by invitation only. The band sessions are broken into two semesters with a concert at the end of each session.
Girl Scouts
Membership in a Girl Scout troop is open to any girl attending St. Columban School. Call the school office for information regarding the Girl Scout Coordinator for St. Columban.
Boy Scouts
Membership in a Cub Scout or Boy Scout troop is open to any boy attending St. Columban School. Contact the school office for information.

Drama Club
This very popular program will divide into a Jr Drama Club for students in grades K-3 and Senior Drama Club for students in grades 4-8. Each club presents an annual production. This year, the Drama Club is presenting Disney's Winnie the Pooh Kids and another play in the spring that will be announced at a later date. READ MORE

Students in grades 6 through 8 are eligible to be members of the St. Columban School Student Council. This active organization assumes leadership for many student activities, including a Mission Drive and 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament. Members also assist in organizing service projects and a Veteran’s Day celebration at Veterans’ Memorial Park in Loveland.
Students in all grades from Pre-K through 8 wear a uniform at St. Columban School.
The entire uniform of St. Columban can be purchased from Shaheens with additional pieces available through Lands' End. (Items not purchased from these uniform providers must be identical in both style and color to the articles sold by these companies.)
A FREE uniform exchange is maintained by the PTO at St. Columban.