St. Columban PTO Meeting
December 2, 2022
8:30 AM, Cafeteria
Attendees –
Christine Settlemire
Alison Shimala
Sarah Estill
Michelle Hosta
Amanda Kommeth
Erin Giblin
Liz Rigby
Shawn Richardson
Mrs. Muchmore
8:35 AM – Opening Prayer by Erin Giblin
8:36 AM – Treasurer Report (Erin Giblin)
$197,585 bank balance
Break down community events into separate line items (except Grandparent’s day)
Breakfast with Santa
School projects
$12,500 budget
Teacher resources, $2700 balance
Lockers, Erin has 3 construction companies on the lookout for these
Community center donation from PTO to be made
8:56 AM – President’s Report (Amanda + Michelle)
School Christmas decorating, Saturday, Dec 3 – start at 9 AM
Gym doors – decorate after 2:00 PM Saturday and Sunday morning
Breakfast with Santa, 12/17, 9-12
Need all the help we can get, setup begins at 8:00
12 slots (families) per 30-minute slot – signup genius will go up
8th grade service hours, need more volunteers – maybe open to 7 th graders
Photo options for this event?
PTO logo, cozy mantle look, back drop
Take on their own phone
Teacher Gift fund (Alison Shimala)
All paperwork has been out, 2 options
Catholic School’s Week
Theme for CSW? Mrs. Muchmore to look into
“St. Columban … growing with Wisdom, Insight and Strength”, I count, and you count
Circle format on back
Standard St C logo on front
Shirts – who designed, who order through
Dark gray with red/black/white (1 color font)
Graphic Village, Larry Coleman (Erin to look into for ordering)
Google form for ordering shirts, open to parents being able to order?
Estimate 600 shirts
Teacher specific shirts, long sleeve?
“Educator” down the sleeve?
o Kindergarten recess and play area
Need to talk more with Patrick on where we can do this, take into account the construction
Soccer goals, pop up
Outdoor blocks, with containment system
Lent Service Activity
PTO + school community
Our Daily Bread – make sandwiches
Matthew 25
Weekend opportunity at Life Pantry – look into this as an option
School service day – spring cleanup opportunity
US Map paint
o Care Closet
Signup Genius has gone out
o Memorial Garden
Use stone for each Memorial
Sign that goes in the garden – Saint Columban Memorial Garden
10:18 AM -- Closing Prayer, Erin Giblin
NEXT PTO MEETING – January 6, 2023