St. Columban PTO Meeting
February 10, 2023
8:45 AM, Cafeteria
Attendees –
Christine Settlemire
Alison Shimala
Sarah Estill
Michelle Hosta
Erin Giblin
Liz Rigby
Mrs. Bowling
Amanda Kommeth
Mrs. Muchmore
8:55 AM – Call to Order
8:55 AM – Opening Prayer by Sarah Estill
8:56 AM – Treasurer Report (Erin Giblin)
$156,603 current bank balance
CSW shirts
Super Bowl Square?
Final invoice still to come in for cafeteria flooring (labor)
Kroger Rewards – potential out of uniform day
Amazon Smiles – potential to add this as well for rewards to go to St. Columban as well; out of uniform reward day – looking at early March
9:05 AM – President’s Report (Amanda + Michelle)
Officers for 2023-2024:
Co-President will be needed (preferably from the current board if at all possible)
Sarah Estill offered to run for Co-President for 2 years (2023/2024 and 2024/2025)
1st Vice President will be needed (Liz Rigby’s current position)
2nd Vice President will be needed (Sarah Estill’s current position since she is running for Co-President)
Need a Chair for PTO Fundraiser for 2023-2024 – ‘365 Raffle’
Reach out to a few of the school community members who have expressed interest in taking on something ‘larger’
Potentially co-chair – Marketing side (parade, signs, muffins morning, overall promotion) / backend side
Post these openings on PTO Facebook page and in the Option C / also on the PTO website (link from the Option C email to the PTO website) – early March
Easter Egg Hunt – April 2nd, 1:00 at Silvercat Field
Father Larry to do a blessing
Double check Duke will be done with the gas lines
Early march meeting to discuss more planning
Discuss bringing back a lunch option – hot dog, pizza?
Volunteers that morning to help
8th graders to fill eggs (reach out to Mr. Drinnen)
Lent Service Activity – Life Food Pantry (Alison Shimala to handle from here)
Parents / kids / community – something on a weekend or evening
Coordinate + collaborate with Student Council
Author / Aquarium –
PreK and Kindergarten – local author, Bumble Land
Aquarium – they have new pricing / increased for 2023 (assembly program / non-touch program)
Other options – museum on wheels?, petting zoo?
School supply boxes –
Sarah Estill to chair this year, will meet with Amanda and Michelle to go over vendors
Will then send letters and deadlines to teachers regarding needs for next year
5th / 6th grade events –
Alison Shimala and Amanda Kommeth will run Mother/Daughter
Libby Westerman will run Father / Son
Waiting on dates from Grand Sands
Other –
Considering supplying snow cones on the last day of school, field day
Considering FC Cincinnati family day (pay to come) towards the end of the school year
Looking at a Back to School social event before school starts at Hops + Berries
10:45 AM -- Closing Prayer, Alison Shimala
NEXT PTO MEETING – March 3, 2023