St. Columban PTO Meeting
March 3, 2023
8:30 AM, Cafeteria
Attendees –
Christine Settlemire
Alison Shimala
Sarah Estill
Michelle Hosta
Erin Giblin
Amanda Kommeth
Melynda Bowers
Mrs. Muchmore
8:39 AM – Call to Order by Amanda Kommeth
8:39 AM – Opening Prayer by Amanda Kommeth
8:40 AM – Treasurer Report (Erin Giblin)
$145,491 current bank balance
5th / 6th grade -- $3000 budget
Kroger rewards - $14,000 budget, only at $7,000 so far
No Amazon smiles right now
Playground - $4000 budget, spent $600
Kindergarten soccer nets we purchased didn’t hold up, something more substantial we can do?
Maybe ask Mr. Sherman?
Remove Connect 4 game, not played with and takes up space
More blocks for K, maybe for PreK too
Pickleball court / equipment
Possible re-paint on both sides of recess areas
CSW – budget $4000, spent $4300
$1500 left for school events
$2500 budget student expenses, spent $400+
8:50 AM – President’s Report (Amanda + Michelle)
5th and 6th grade events –
Grand Sands might not happen – start planning much earlier next year for this event (2022 did this in January) – next year will be Mother-Daughter and Father-Son
Pivot to At-School Dances, hold in Parish Hall – Father-Daughter, Mother-Son
Look at April / into early May – 2 consecutive weekends – ask Cathy Nagy for availability, DJ? Snacks, drinks
We need chairs for this, planning / setting up, clean up crew
School supply box update (Sarah Estell)
Using a new company – First Day School supplies
Lists due March 17
Open online shop to parents April 1-Jul 1
Will deliver early August – labeled with grade level and name
2nd week of August (week of Aug 7)
Presentation – Jr High + Parents (separate) – ‘DoItForJack’
Working with Stephanie Quehl, starting the process
Jr High – do in Cafeteria, with Officer Vicky (other SROs in Loveland)
5th-6th? – too early to start?
7th and 8th – separate these groups and do 2?
Reach out to teachers and see when is best – Mrs. Muchmore will reach out and give parameters
Amanda – will reach out to Stephanie about her availability between now and spring break
Parents – Zoom?, an evening in-person? – and video and then send out?
Facebook Live?
Teacher Appreciation Week – week of May 1st
$5500 budget
Jenn Stacey to chair with help, reach out to her (Alison and Sarah) – meet in person next week (Monday @ Noon)
Cinco de Mayo theme? / Tacos / Sombreros / Mexican coke / chips and salsa bar
Parents sign up for lunches to bring in for teachers (Tues, Wed)
Lunch provided by PTO for all teachers (do this on the Monday?)
2-3 days (Mon, Thurs, Fri), Shooters, Butterbees, Pizza – Viscomi, Fuego
Coffee cart one morning (Thursday?) // Churros from Costco with coffee
Ask parents for gift cards / other donations, get an email out
Room moms to send out an email soon
Gift baskets for teachers
Egg Hunt
Bookreading / Author (Bumble Land)
PreK, March 20 (morning)
K, April 20 (afternoon)
Kids will make seed balls (PTO provides seeds)
Flyer will go out to buy book / plush
Purchase some copies for the school – library, each PreK and K classroom
Lent Service project – in conjunction with Student Council (parents involved), Mr. Drinnen, open to SMOY?
Life Food Pantry, weekend bags, meal kits
Care Center in Loveland
New Life Furniture Bank (Blue Ash)
FC Cincinnati Game – community social event
Ticket ordering website would be provided, forcing in similar sections
April 22, 730 PM
May 6, 730 PM
May 17, 730 PM (Wed) – not ideal
May 20 (vs. Columbus)
*Jun 3, 730 PM -- preference
Another Hops + Berries event – August timing, back to school
Kroger incentive, out of uniform day – send out an email for this
PreK / K – meet and greet + ice cream social – plan to move more to the end of July / early August
Future community event idea – Barre3 (free)
10:24 AM -- Closing Prayer, Michelle Hosta
NEXT PTO MEETING – Thursday, April 6, 2023