September 2, 2022, 8:30 AM, Cafeteria
Minutes from the most recent St. Columban School PTO Meeting
Attendees –
Mrs. Muchmore
Mrs. Bowling
Christine Settlemire
Alison Shimala
Jessica Cherry
Katie R.
Melynda Bowers
Liz Rigby
Sarah Estill
Amy Watkins
Erin Giblin
Laura Froehle
8:34 AM – Prayer by Alison
8:35 AM –Treasurer report by Erin
Ending balance $167,000 as of yesterday
The gift fund down $700 so far
Membership down $1300
Paper Products down -- $400
Liz -- $2000 left in acct
School projects -- $12,500 budget and spent 9,400 spent already
8:37 AM – Liz Rigby
PTO 365 Raffle kickoff on 9/16
Signups went out, still have some openings, Liz to send again and think about who might be good to volunteer
Have some patrol cars lined up
NEED donation – Nut Free Candy, non-chocolate
NEED more candy this year compared to last year
NEED any dinosaur slap bracelets, stickers, tattoos
NEED truck for parade (Settlemire, Watkins)
1:00 for the parade, start in front of school and wrap around the back, kids on one side of the street
*Thursday (8th) evening 6-8 PM (outside?) – make posters at the school for the morning of kick-off
*Wednesday (7th) 10A -12 (conference room in office) – pack envelopes, 12 tickets in every envelope, Mrs. Muchmore to block the room for us
Share it on Facebook pages to get the word out
Sarah E. to post to Facebook PTO page – things that PTO has been doing, playground equipment, memorial garden, cafeteria upgrades, teachers to take pictures of what they’ve bought (with kids), PTO field trips
ASK JIMMY Settlemire -- 5-6 feet dinosaur -- $50, custom life-size cut-out
Vinyl clings for kids' desks – PreK through 4?
Dinosaur headbands PreK-K-1st, color pages
Dollar store – dinosaur hats
Decorations for the red brick hallway needed:
Dinosaur footprints out front, banners, something in the classrooms
Teachers to put it out on their weekly website pages
Countdown to PTO raffle on Facebook page (Sarah) – start next week on Friday, 1 week out – 9/9
9:02 AM – Presidents Update (Michelle)
Cafeteria updates:
New sound boards
New paint happening
Signs will be hung
New bulletin boards – 9/7 will get hung
Hang pictures received
Viewsonic – 9/7 will get hung
New microwave purchased
Need signs for what NOT to put in microwaves
New cabinet for microwaves has arrived
Combine Champions “stuff” so it’s not as cluttered
Placement for bulletin boards – options discussed; best placement will be on both sides of viewsonic as long as white boards are not needed
Mrs. Muchmore to ask teachers if white boards will be useful or not?
Floor – December install
Tables – went with the red ones (round) with black seats
Memorial Garden updates:
Doug came back out for some 2nd phase ideas
Logo, crest with cross
Pillars to add height – Faith, Family, Future
Cement bobcat paw prints
‘Memorial’ part options – St. Columban Memorial Garden, name plaques under overhang (take this idea to Parish if it’s attached to the wall), or engraved paw prints in the ground
Rules for “who” goes into this memorial garden, protocols discussed – student, teacher, staff, coach, start with Jack Q. (‘school related’)
Committee to “approve” these going forward, Pastor, Principal, member of PTO
Add to by-laws as well so that it’s set for next PTO board
Community Events:
Need chairs for upcoming events (or Co-Chair)
Trunk or Treat, October (10/22nd -- ?) – simple event, cars, treats, hot chocolate, popcorn, KOC does anything?
Glow stuff
POST TO FB PAGE to ask for someone to Chair this (Sarah)
Thanksgiving – something simple, leaf of a tree for kids to write what they are thankful for and then PTO makes a tree to display them all (red brick hallway) – ask Mrs. Durham
Cookies for the kids? At lunchtime, PTO to provide – 11/22?
PTO service event? Something with SMOY
Our Daily Bread in OTR, make sandwiches, we pay for sandwiches and school families bring in the extras
Sign up genius to come help (families)
Involve Room parents
Life Pantry is another option (in Loveland)
Sweet Cheeks – diaper donations
PTO boards come together with SMOY for a meeting? Liz is friends with another PTO member from SMOY
Christmas, decorating the school halls (over Thanksgiving weekend)– need a chair for this, need an overall theme
Amy Watkins potential to chair this as long as she’s in town over Thanksgiving weekend
Integrate more faith-filled, faith traditions around the world – St. Nick, Jesus, Mary + Joseph, manger scene, angels, ‘religious Christmas songs’ – O Holy Night, Angels we have Heard on High,
How can teachers help plan?
Do not cover fire extinguishers
Keep older kids in mind - 4-6th, 7-8th
Avoid outside of doors, maybe only inside of doors
PreK idea as well, entry way – ‘Little Drummer Boy’
Still do Christmas lights hang
Get Room Parents to volunteer with this event, NO kids
Christmas, Santa Event –Melynda has an idea, will take this on
Crafts – scouts, use as a service activity
General Assembly – K-4, 9/12, 6:30
Video to play on viewsonic, display recent projects
Teachers to introduce, visually come to the front
Ask for ambassadors
Membership forms at this night, SET THESE OUT for more to sign up (100-200 print outs)
Erin to provide the Square for this night, credit card
Include in next week’s newsletter, reminde
Testimony for Volunteer to speak at General Assembly– Jimmy Settlemire to do one
Need someone else?? Lori? Shelby? Julie M? Michele to ask someone
Grandparents Day – 9/23
PTO sponsored (this was not clear last year)
PTO 365 raffle tickets – subtle table, Red Brick hallway
Missy Z. last year chairing this, she is looking for someone to take it on for next year (has a few ideas already of who)
Who to use this year for the donuts, Holtman’s, or Buskin??
100 dozen donuts are needed
Pictures did not go out last year, need to go out with this years
Drinks order through cafeteria (Mrs. Muchmore)
Nature Trail, needs cleanup, springtime – work with Scouts (Katie R.)
Station of the Cross spruce-up
Outdoor classroom area
10:22 AM -- Closing Prayer, Sarah Estill