October 7, 2022, 8:00 AM, Cafeteria
Minutes from the most recent St. Columban School PTO Meeting
Attendees –
Mrs. Bowling
Christine Settlemire
Alison Shimala
Liz Rigby
Erin Giblin
Sarah Estill
Michelle Hosta
Amanda Kommeth
Katie Rutenschroer
Mrs. Muchmore
8:07 AM – Opening Prayer by Liz
8:08 AM – VP update on 365 Raffle (Liz)
4,772 tickets sold
Sarah Estill willing to take over the raffle next year, maybe with a co-chair, breaking up the responsibilities a little more next year (prizing separate from other tasks), work starts in the summer
8:14 AM –Treasurer report by Erin
365 Raffle – $80,000 budget, came in at $71,500
Gift fund amounts coming soon, same as last year
$203,000 in bank
$10,000 to Community Center (PTO $10,000 a year for 10 years)
Fair to ask (Erin to email) for an update on the Community Center, Fr. Chris, Patrick L., Cathy Nagy and Greg Ionna (chair) – potentially trying to break ground in the Spring
Either give in November as planned or potentially later in the Spring?
Summer reading budget, $1500 budgeted, but came in at $1700
School projects budget – $12,500, but spent $37,000 so far(came from last year’s money)
Teacher CCU, $2500 budget, spent $500 so far
Mr. Drinnen asking for $55, PTO will approve
365 Raffle – update by Michelle Hosta
All cash winners will get a check
All other prize winners have been contacted
10/21 from 11-1 – Bowling Party at Eastgate Lanes, glow lights
Drop off cookies for kids as well (Katie and Alison)
Pizza parties will be supplied by Jet’s Pizza at a discounted rate (school family) – shoot for 10/18 or 10/19 (all in 1 day for all classes who won)
KB getting popsicle party, next week Wednesday (10/12), 1:30-1:45
8:32 AM – President’s Report (Amanda / Michelle)
Trunk or Treat (10/22)
DJ handled
Glow stuff, 120 bubble wands (from Kroger)
Getting RSVPs come in, encourage people to come and decorate cars
Halloween at the school – allow for costumes and the parade this year, parties on 10/31
Need to coordinate the time for the parade
Service project idea
Potentially partner with SMOY
Life Pantry, Matthew 25, Diaper drive
Care closet for the school (basics)
Extra uniforms, toiletries, hair ties, small snacks, winter coats, socks
Chair for 365 Raffle next year (Sarah)
NEED someone to oversee the Community Events, make sure there is a chair for everything, and they are happening
Christmas Hallways – Amy Watkins to chair?
Weekend of December 3rd to decorate
Update the plan for this year, sign up genius, need to set a budget
Inclusive of Religious themes for 2022, songs, etc.
Red Brick hallway could be Manger Scene, Art teachers to handle?
Santa Event
Breakfast with Santa in Cafeteria? Play a movie, music playing
Would be before Christmas Break
Pancakes, sausage
Knights of Columbus to help – partner somehow w their event? Scouts to volunteer?
Melynda Bowers Santa contact?
Wave on Wheels (Newport Aquarium) – event for the school?
Author to come to school? Something separate for older grades vs. younger grades.
Google Form to teachers – ideas for school community events?
Outdoor classroom idea
Working garden idea (Mrs. Worpenberg) – PTO will partner on this
Partner on nature trail area by PreK, Spring cleanup day for the trails, etc. (Scouts area to oversee)
K-1 playground equipment ideas
Outdoor playhouse
Outdoor market
Airplane, climber rocks
Inventory of playground balls, kickball – need to take an inventory (ask Cara Wedig)
Link to PTO meeting minutes, add to St. C webpage, PTO section?
Evening idea for a PTO meeting or an open house to get more people involved in the PTO
9:46 AM -- Closing Prayer, Christine Settlemire